
10 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions from McKinley Beach

The concept of making a new year’s resolution dates back to Babylonian times when people would make promises to various gods for the year to come. It was carried over later by the Romans in a similar fashion, filtered into medieval times, and sometime during the 21st century it graduated to the western hemisphere and became a common practice the world over.

How many times have you made a new year’s resolution? How many times have you actually kept them? A study conducted in 2007 showed that 88% of people who make new year’s resolutions fail to keep them. Most people (over 90%) fail for one of three reasons:

1. They forget they made a resolution

2. They made too many

3. They made unrealistic goals

While a brand new year often brings about the inspiration to make changes, it’s not always for the right reasons which is why many people make unrealistic resolutions. This year, we encourage you to make realistic resolutions for yourself with attainable goals that you can celebrate. Here are 10 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for you to choose from:

1) Volunteer Time – Kelowna is a great city-wide community to belong to. Why not consider giving back and volunteering a few hours this year?

2) Play More – In addition to the health benefits of exercise, it’s always fun to take the time away from the rigor of everyday life and enjoy a sport, game, or gathering.

3) Learn from Mistakes – Everyone makes mistakes. It happens every year. Why not resolve to learn from your mistakes in 2017? Unless you’re perfect. In which case, disregard this one.

4) Travel Somewhere You’ve Never Been – Head out into the world and go somewhere you’ve never been before. It doesn’t even have to be far, maybe you’ve never ventured past Kamloops? Or visited Vancouver Island? Or the Sunshine Coast?

5) Take a Break from Social Media – And actually be social! There’s a whole world out there outside of your constant pictures of what you’re eating, and your 500 facebook friends that you’ve never met. Leave the phone at home and venture on out!

6) Recognize What Makes You Happy – And do more of it! A lot of people don’t take the time to recognize what makes them happy. Take some time out and figure out what makes you happy and try to do more of whatever it is.

7) Exercise – It’s a cliche-ridden resolution, normally centered around weight loss, but it doesn’t have to be! Exercise produces endorphins, which in turn make you happy. Don’t give yourself a weight goal, just exercise to feel better. We’ve got lots of hiking trails at McKinley Beach that are just waiting for you.

8) Less Selfies – While it’s clear we need to document every aspect of our lives, we can probably live without the selfies. Take pictures of other people, share moments . . . don’t worry, you won’t fade away.

9) More Experiences – We sometimes get lost in day-to-day life and can often miss opportunities to try something new. Get out and experience new things this year!

10) Share Your Goals – Less of an actual resolution, more of a way to keep them. Support your goals by sharing them with your friends and family. You’ll be less likely to forget them that way.

Happy New Year from the staff and residents at McKinley Beach!

**Source(s): Wikipedia